Racing Services

Take a look at the wealth of support we have in place for racing


Not all of our affiliates are interested in racing but many are, therefore providing the following services is a significant part of our affiliation package:

Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) and rules disputes processes: We are responsible for the administration of the RRS in the UK and support affiliated organisations, their participants and volunteers understand and apply them. In the event of a query or rules dispute that can't be resolved internally you can seek advice or use the appeals process where our experts will handle the situation accordingly.

Race Officials & volunteers: We support affiliates in the training of Race Officials and volunteers to RYA and Word Sailing Standards in order to ensure a consistent application of class rules within your organisations delivery of racing activities.

Handicapping: We co-ordinate the Portsmouth Yardstick (PY) and YTC in order to allow the benchmarking of different classes and designs to enable sailors to race against each other, as fairly as possible.

Coaching: We provide the coach education and development framework, and offer subsided training and development programmes to upskill coaches to support affiliates in the development of sailors.

Support service: We will help you find appropriately qualified and experienced race officials and coaches to support you in delivery of specific event or activity.