Coastwatchers Gathering 2023

The volunteer network of coastwatchers gathered to discuss developments and how they can best support recreational activities afloat.
24 Mar 23

RYA Scotland held a hybrid training day on March 18th,  for coastwatchers and other volunteers on responding to marine licence referrals and other consultations.

RYA Scotland is a non-statutory consultee of Marine Scotland and responds to around 300 referrals each year. There was a really interesting presentation from Alex Adrian of Crown Estate Scotland (CES) about aquaculture and seaweed farming, for which CES provide the seabed leases, which are rising in numbers.

Coastal images from Scotland as part of the Coastwatchers conference 2023

Graham Russell, the RYA Scotland Planning and Environment Officer, then described the range of things we respond to and how best to write a response to ensure there are no adverse impacts of developments on recreational boating.

The conference built on the previous one in 2020 to ensure that RYA Scotland makes good use of the unique local knowledge of the coastwatchers in representing the interests of recreational boaters both in Scotland and UK wide.

Map showing extent of Scottish Territorial Waters

With many Marine licence applications; Planning applications; Aquaculture Stewardship Council accreditation applications; Harbour Revision Orders; Marine Protected Areas; Government consultations and other general queries and requests, the team of volunteers are kept busy to ensure that the rights of navigation for recreational use are considered.

We are always keen to recruit additional coastwatchers. If you are interested please contact the chair of the Cruising and General Purposes Committee or to get involved visit