Countdown is on for RYA Northern Ireland Cruising Conference

18 Dec 20

The Conference, which will be hosted via Zoom, will runon Tuesday 19 January 2021, Tuesday 26 January 2021 and Tuesday 2 February2021.

A jam-packed schedule of speakers and interactivesessions will cover a wide variety of topics ranging from information onenvironmental affairs to Sailing around Ireland and practical help withelectronic safety equipment.

Conference delegates will benefit from updates on currentRYA work for cruising members as well as interesting and informative key notespeakers and workshop discussions.


Tuesday 19th February 7.00pm

ColinGreetham, Ocean Signal   “EPIRBs andPLBs”  

NormanKeane         “Sailing aroundIreland”  

Tuesday 26th Jan 7.00pm

ColinGreetham, Ocean Signal   “AIS” 

RYA Updates on Brexit, environmental issuesand RYA Safetrx  

Tuesday 2ndFeb 7.00pm 

Colin Greetham, Ocean Signal    “Electronic Distress Flares” 

Pat Murphy          “Sailing from Thailand to Egypt”   

The evenings will be free and a place can be booked here