London and South East OnBoard Development Day 2023

Our region's OnBoard Development Day at Queen Mary Sailing Club on 11 November attracted some 13 OnBoard providers aiming to grow and develop their OnBoard programmes.
22 Nov 23
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Growing new instructors

Paul Outram, our regional Workforce Development Officer, led the morning session focussing on growing new instructors across all disciplines, along with professional development for those already qualified. The main focus was the role of an RYA Senior Instructor and how to support the growth of this role to bring about more participation.

Paul said: “The need for instructors is an ongoing challenge and a crucial factor when it comes to the delivery of OnBoard activity. An aim of the day was to share what the RYA is doing to help instructor development and to receive feedback as to how we might support more.”

In the afternoon it was out of the classroom and on to the water, with participants enjoying a choice of RS21 keelboat sailing or powerboat training.

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Steve says…

RYA Regional Development Officer Steve Mitchell said of the day: “We had another great turnout this year of OnBoard providers along with one training centre which is looking to become a provider. The opportunity to mix with other clubs and centres who are all focused and passionate about growing youth and junior sailing makes this day very special and the feedback is really positive.

“We have a much bigger focus just at the moment on supporting workforce development so that our OnBoard providers have the resources and knowledge to grow their delivery team.

“The variety of OnBoard clubs and centres who attended the day demonstrates the reach that the OnBoard programme has throughout our region, along with the passion that these providers have for engaging young people in our sport.”

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The feedback

Tom Dalrymple from Wembley Sailing Club said: "The day marked a genuine coming together of local clubs, united in their shared goal of enhancing access to the sport and creating opportunities for young people. We collectively discussed ideas and strategies to make sailing more accessible and to grow the centres and activities on offer. It was a platform for open communication and collaboration between clubs, and fostered a real sense of community within the sailing world.

“Notably, the day's discussions delved into the crucial topic of increasing diversity within the sport, reflecting the commitment made by the RYA earlier this year to create a more inclusive and welcoming sporting environment. It was inspiring to witness the genuine enthusiasm and dedication of clubs as they shared insights, paving the way for a brighter future for sailing. "

Be a part of OnBoard

Find out more about RYA OnBoard and how your club/centre can get involved.

Photos credit Steve Mitchell