RYA North East blog - November 2022

All the latest news for clubs and centres from RYA North East Regional Development Officer Sam Usher...
08 Nov 22
Boats launching at Yeadon SC

A big thank you to all those who have already signed up to come along to our rapidly approaching RYA North East Affiliated Clubs Conference.

Our in-person event for the region takes place on Saturday 3 December at Catterick Racecourse and will provide a one-stop shop for your club to tap into RYA expertise while accessing specialist workshops to support your activities and development.

Our workshops this year will include:

  • How to secure funding for your club
  • Making volunteers’ experiences meaningful
  • Welcoming a wider range of members
  • How the new RYA’s Club Management Compliance Toolkit can help
  • What are the needs and motivations for your members: how to provide an experience that’s right for them
  • Legal team Q&A session
  • Increasing yacht racing participation

I’m really looking forward to seeing everyone and it’s a brilliant opportunity for your club to meet the RYA regional team face-to-face and explore the help that is available to support you.

Each club that attends will also be able to pick up their own bespoke report from the RYA Club Membership Census. You will be able to look at the insights for your own club or venue and I’ll be sharing the regional headlines so you will be able to see how your club fits into that bigger picture, providing another piece of the jigsaw to help you plan for the year ahead.

Catterick Racecourse provides a fantastic venue and a central location for the region: there is easy access just 5 minutes from the A1 and ample free on-site parking, with refreshments and a buffet lunch included in your free ticket.

If you’re involved in running your club or its activities as a committee member or volunteer, please do get your place booked asap now and encourage your team to do likewise.

Find out more and book your free ticket to the RYA North East Affiliated Clubs Conference.

RYA Affiliated Club Conferences

Instructor courses & training

With the conclusion of this year’s instructor training programme, myself and RYA North East Sailing Development Officer Paul Adams are now busy organising courses for 2023, with the aim of having more information available for you at our Affiliated Clubs Conference.

If your club or centre has an interest in running instructor training, for your own team or as an open course, please contact us so we can incorporate your needs into our planning.

In the meantime, please save the date for our RYA North East Regional Training Day at Catterick Racecourse on 1 April 2023, which will provide all the latest updates and ideas to help your team get set for the new season.

This event will be for anyone involved in the practical delivery of activities supported by the RYA small craft schemes. Previously known as the Instructor Training Day, the name change reflects that this year it will be open to not only instructors but also race coaches and anyone else who is involved in facilitating training activities at your club or centre: sail, board or power.

The aim is that whenever we take people out on the water they get the best possible experience and as in previous years it should be a really useful and enjoyable day. Look out for when bookings open shortly after Christmas and share the date with your instructors and volunteers!

OnBoard news

We’re also currently arranging instructor development days specifically for those of you who are involved in delivering OnBoard activities for children and young people. There will be four of these days dotted around the region and we’ll be sharing further details about this initiative in the New Year.

Follow @RYANorthEast on Facebook and/or Twitter for all the latest news and remember we also have a new OnBoardNE Facebook group for you.

You may also like to know that the OnBoard beginner session cards for both sailing and windsurfing have been updated and improved. These new session cards will be sent out to all OnBoard club/centres and are also available now online to download.

Windsurfing course demonstration on shore by coach at Yorkshire Dales SC

And finally

A dedicated team of instructors at Yorkshire Dales Sailing Club (pictured) has delivered over 1,000 sessions this season across 117 courses, reaching more than 300 participants and boosting membership. If you haven’t already seen this useful case study on our RYA North East hub, you can read more about how the club achieved these impressive numbers and learn about their training programme here .

Until next time,
