As we reflect on a fantastic year for sailing and boating in Northern Ireland, it’s time to submit nominations for the RYA Northern Ireland awards.
The awards offer the perfect time for us to celebrate those in all areas of the sport and as RYA Northern Ireland celebrates its 50th anniversary, this couldn’t be more important.
This year, there will be the opportunity to nominate individuals or clubs for awards which have existed in previous years, but this year there will also be a new award- “Club Project of The Year.” This will replace the Club of The Year Award to align more closely with our five-year strategy, Navigating The Future.
This year, the award ceremony will take place on the 19th of April at Queen’s University’s Riddle Hall where those in attendance will have the opportunity to meet people from other clubs as well as receiving the well-deserved recognition for their achievements.
Picture: Race Official of the year, Sheela Lewis with young sailor nominee Calum Pollard and County Antrim Yacht Club Commodore. Peter Darragh, 2022 RYANI Awards
In 2022, a similar ceremony was held, celebrating the following categories.
Last year, this award was won by Cody Halliday from Strangford Lough Yacht Club.
Cody was instrumental in developing the race training programme at SLYC, particularly in respect to helping introduce winter and spring race coaching programmes. Cody’s work and contribution to this part of the club, helped S.L.Y.C. in being awarded with RYA Pathway Club status at the end of 2022.
To read more about the criteria for this award or submit a nomination, follow this link.
Last year, this award was won by Sheela Lewis from Country Antrim Yacht Club.
Sheela acted as Race Officer for the Presidents Cup and two previous events hosted by Belfast Lough Sailability. At each event Sheela sets separate courses for each class taking the sailors’ needs into consideration and she has successfully made each event both competitive and extremely enjoyable for the sailors.
To read more about the criteria for this award or submit a nomination, follow this link.
Last year, this award was won by Max Robinson from Strangford Lough Yacht Club.
Max volunteered to assist in leading the race coaching and race development at SLYC. This included organising and running Tuesday Night dinghy club racing during the summer months and introducing winter and spring training at the club for top dinghy sailors.
To read more about the criteria for this award or submit a nomination, follow this link.
Last year, this award was won by Dan Cooke from Strangford Lough Yacht Club.
Dan volunteered numerous times per week to do both rescue duty and ferry duty so the club could run its club race nights, sailing events and youth sailing training. He demonstrated great knowledge, interest and skill in powerboating.
To read more about the criteria for this award or submit a nomination, follow this link.
Last year, this award was won by Sam Rutherford from Hollywood Yacht Club.
Sam dedicated large amounts of his time to facilitating sailing at HYC. This included race training, open sailing, beginners and events. He has been hailed as an inspiration to young sailors, while helping pass on his own knowledge.
To read more about the criteria for this award or submit a nomination, follow this link.
Last year, this award was won by Graham Chambers from Killyleagh Yacht Club.
Graham has been a member of KYC for over 50 years where he initially sailed dragons and currently sails and races his cruiser. He is always keen to introduce new people to the sport and in turn new members into KYC. He is an active member of the ICC and even brought an ICC function to KYC. He was the club treasurer for at least 25 years and under his stewardship of club finances, KYC flourished. Graham has also always shown an interest in junior sailing. During his daughter’s time as a junior sailor, he became involved in the topper traveller series and he encouraged other KYC club members to also take part.
To read more about the criteria for this award or submit a nomination, follow this link.
Last year, this award was won by Sarah Cushley from Strangford Lough Yacht Club.
During 2022, Sarah led on the delivery of numerous sailing courses. A significant project Sarah helped to achieve was further developing the adult learn to sail courses. SLYC delivered more adult courses than they had ever done previously, with customer satisfaction ratings at an all-time high.
To read more about the criteria for this award or submit a nomination, follow this link.
This is a new award and replaces Club of the Year of the year. We are looking for a club who have delivered an activity, programme or change in their club along the themes as set out by either our values or strategic aims.
To read more about the criteria for this award or submit a nomination, follow this link.
The recipient of this award will be decided by the performance committee based on their performance across the 2023 season.
Last year Bobby Driscoll from Royal North of Ireland Yacht Club picked up the award following a 2nd place finish at the Topper World Championships and 2nd overall at the Topper British Nationals.
Award submission nomination close on the 31st of January 2024.
If you have any questions about the awards process, please get in touch by emailing