Picture perfect open day at Upper Thames SC

Upper Thames' open day on April 24 attracted some 245 visitors. Here's the story, mostly in pictures.....
27 Apr 22
UTSC open day header

Sarah Percival from the club writes: Open Day is our club at its very best, where members come together to share with others what they get from our club. Sunday was a resounding success, judging by:

  • the number of visitors - 245 signed in
  • the number of boat trips - we reckon more than 150
  • the number of pieces of cake sold - definitely over 200, with proceeds to Sail4Cancer.
  • the number of capsizes involving visitors - none!

There were so many positive comments about how friendly, welcoming and helpful everyone was, and this was reflected in the numbers at the membership desk.

One visitor wrote: “I wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone who helped me on Sunday. It was such a perfect experience of trying a new sport. Everyone was so welcoming and kind and I can see why your open days are so good at recruiting new members.”

We are certainly going to have a busy summer ahead, getting to know our new members and introducing them to their new sport.

Club members Tony Ketley and Phil Laybourne take up the story in pictures from themselves:

UTSC open day 1

The purpose of the day, introduce folk to the pleasures of sailing.

UTSC open day 2

All ages welcome.

UTSC open day 3

Visitors prepare for their taster sessions.

UTSC open day 4

Something a bit more sedate for the non-sailors.

UTSC open day 5

Everyone looks happy.

UTSC open day 6

Lunchtime approaches.

UTSC open day 7

Tables on the club’s new balcony were at a premium.

UTSC open day 8

Strange how the fiddle rail determines the level of the beer in the glass.

UTSC open day 9

The food tent doing good business.

UTSC open day 10

Tea by the Thames gets underway.

UTSC open day 11

Sailing taster sessions continue.

UTSC open day 12

.......and your helm today is Ollie Meadowcroft, fresh back from fifth place in the 420 class at the RYA Youth National Championships.

UTSC open day 13

A great day was had by all.

Upper Thames SC is an RYA Recognised Training Centre and British Youth Sailing Recognised Club