Office for Product Safety and Standards announce the recall of Life Jacket 150N

Product recall of Life Jacket 150N sold via online marketplace, Amazon.
04 Jan 23
Front, inside and back of life jacket recalled by the Office for Product Safety and Standards.

The Office for Product Safety and Standards have announced the recall of Life Jacket 150N over safety concerns. The product has been identified as presenting a serious risk of drowning to the user if relied upon as protection in the water.

The risk stated by the Office for Product Safety and Standards is as follows: “Mandatory third-party conformity assessment is required by the relevant Regulations for those products which protect against more serious risks, the absence of such independent assessment for such a product may increase the risk to the consumer that the product may not perform as expected when relied upon to protect them from harm in the water.”

Product: Life Jacket 150N

Hazard: The product presents a serious risk of drowning due to the absence of independent conformity assessment to demonstrate the product will perform when required.

Corrective action: The authority are requiring the recall of the product from end users. The listing has been removed by the online marketplace (Amazon).

Owners of the above product are advised to visit the Product Safety Alerts, Reports and Recalls page on the GOV.UK website for further information and next steps.