Spring RTD's for Instructors and Coaches in Scotland

The coaching team have been working to support the network of Recognised Training Centres (RTCs), Trainers and RYA Instructors over the winter.
05 Apr 23

The Regional Training Development  days have been in full swing over March and the start of April, proving to be great opportunities to get out on the water and get ready for the season. Over April activity continues to build as instructor and senior instructor courses are running across the country, ensuring we can meet some of the demands of RYA Training over the coming months.

There have some small changes within the Coaching Department, as Robin Nicol has agreed to take on the role of interim Performance Manager for six months to help deliver the performance programme, allowing Robyn Philips to step up as the Coach Education Development Manager during this time. As ever Robyn is very excited about the season ahead and will receive support from one or two of the Trainers, and of course Gail, to ensure we can answer queries and continue to grow the RYA Instructor network in Scotland.


RYA Scotland Coaching and Training Events over March April 2023


It was great to get out at some of the RTC’s in the North where we were joined by the RDO, Brian Pahlmann, who captured our adventures at both Loch Insh and Lochaber, during the DI and SI courses. We received some great feedback from participants over both courses despite the fine spring weather at times.


RYA Scotland Coaching and Training Events over March April 2023



2023 Season Ahead

  • On-Board – We have recently trained up a new team of On-Board tutors who are eager to get out and engage with you this season. If you are a Dinghy or Windsurfing RTC and are curious about what this could mean for you, then check it out here. If you are already an On-Board facility then why not book your session with the tutors, a great way to get your team updated and enthused about using the On-Board Model. The best way find out more and what options are available to you is to get in touch with us – coaching@ryascotland.org.uk


  • Instructor Development – We are developing a stronger program to support instructors for 2023 which includes a new Coaching Committee which will be tasked to look at how we can support instructors on the pathway. The intention is to offer some financial support as part of this process. We are developing an SI development program which will be about developing the individual through workshops and pre course support – you may have seen some of this already and I would highly recommend you share this with Aspiring SIs regardless of when they are thinking of doing it. The feedback from those who attended attribute this to giving more confidence and feeling more prepared to take on the role.


  • Powerboating CPDWe are about to launch our new Power CPD program. One strand is the Instructor pathway, where we are keen to support everyone so a new way of delivering CPD with our Trainer team has been devised which includes looking at bespoke powerboat support at your venue. If you are interested in what this looks like then look out for the launch soon. In addition, the trainer team are planning an advanced CPD which will happen once a year, this is aimed at those who want to go on further than the instructor certificate and I am sure the opportunity to develop will be taken up in bigger boats and involving advanced areas within the RYA Training scheme.

  • Date for the Diary - 26th AprilRTC Connect Call this will be available to all of the Scottish training centres and if you want to come along to a relaxed evening of discussions then that would be fab. Contact coaching@ryascotland.org.uk for more details.


Finally, a HUGE thanks from us for the 2022/23 RTC inspection year, where we reached a staggering 96% inspection rate across the network of Recognised Training centres in Scotland. We hope the inspection process was valuable to your venue and you are able to utilise it as a supportive process. The coming year will hopefully be a success and we will be sending out the allocation very soon so look out for it arriving and get in touch with your inspector.


Find out more about upcoming opportunities in RYA Training in Scotland here