RYA awarded £150,000 of National Lottery Funding towards tackling inequalities in sport

07 Sep 20

The RYA has been awarded £150,000 of National Lottery Funding from Sport England’sTackling Inequalities Fund which aims to tackle inequalities in sport and physical activity and help reduce the negative impact of COVID-19.

Through this funding, RYA OnBoard and Sailability venues in England are invited to apply for grants of up to £10,000 that will be used for projects which engage with:

  • Lower socio-economic groups
  • Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities
  • Disabled People
  • People with long term health conditions

The funding is available for non-profit organisations only and the application criteria and application forms can be found on the RYA website.

The deadline for completed application forms with supporting project plans is 21 September.

Alistair Dickson, RYA Director of Sport Development said: “We are hugely grateful to Sport England for making this funding available. We know there are many Sailability sites and OnBoard venues that will be able to use this opportunity to deliver fantastic projects to these underrepresented communities”.

Tim Hollingsworth, Sport England’s Chief Executive, said: “We are proud to be able to provide funding and support the RYA in this difficult period. This funding will help support our valuable community infrastructure that is so important in keeping the nation active and will also provide important connections and reconnections for people whose lives have been affected by COVID-19 and for whom remaining active is so important for their physical, mental and social wellbeing”.

Find more information about the RYA Sailability and RYA OnBoard programmes.