The BBC has announced that as of today (18 January) there will be some minor changes to its broadcasting timetable which will remain for the foreseeable future.
On weekdays, there will be three broadcasts of the Shipping Forecast on LW and FM, 0048, 0520 and 1203, with one further broadcast on LW only at 1754.
At the weekends, there will be three broadcasts, all on LW and FM at 0048, 0520 and 1754. Her Majesty’s Coastguard will be broadcasting as normal via NAVTEX and MF/VHF marine radio. Strong wind and gale warnings will still be available as and when needed.
The Maritime and Coastguard Agency have assured that Maritime Safety Information will continue to be broadcast and will still meet the requirements of the international standard known as SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea).
Further information can be found on the BBC website.