Changes to Ofcom policy on use of Autonomous Maritime Radio Devices (AMRDs)

Last month, Ofcom announced plans to change UK rules on VHF channels used by Autonomous Marine Radio Devices (AMRDs), including Man Overboard (MOB) devices.
14 Jan 25

MOBImage credit: Ocean Signal

AMRDs include:

Class M Man Overboard Digital Selective Calling (MOB DSC) devices:

  • Mobile aids to navigation (MALONS)
  • Diver location devices
  • Creel markers
  • Non-class M MOB devices (without DSC functionality)

Under the planned changes, Ofcom will bring forward proposals, this year, to phase out authorisation for use of non-class M MOB devices on frequencies 161.975 MHZ (AIS 1) and 162.025 MHz (AIS 2).

Until proposals are approved and implemented, licensees can continue to use these devices in line with their Ship Radio Licence or Portable Ship Radio Licence.

Learn more about the full policy update.