Junior Captains Amy Armstrong and James Corbett, alongside theJunior Vice Captains Hannah Todd and Michael Rock, led the Juniors of the Clubto co-ordinate a series of successful and innovative fundraising activities.
The Junior Committee, under the guidanceand leadership of Gavin and Claire Pollard, have been fundraising since theyjoined together in 2018. Their success was celebrated when Amy and James, who represented the Junior Committee, were crowned Young Volunteers of the Year at this year’s RYANI Annual Awards.
To date, they have donated £500 to the Friends of the CancerCentre and are the main sponsors of County Antrim Yacht Club’s (CAYC) SpringSeries 2020 after they donated £250 to Commodore Paul Abraham.
Gavin Pollard,Club Coach and former Captain at CAYC,comments: “The Juniors have been hugely influential in coordinating all theirown fundraising activities, in-house and within the community, withtruly ingenious and powerful ideas.”
Their successful fundraising activities included makingChristmas presents, which were bought and posted as far as Spain. In March 2019they arranged the All Ireland premier of “Maiden” which was screened in theClub and attracted VIP guest, Professor Louise Dubras, who was hugelyinfluential in the original Maiden project.
Mr Pollard added: “The Juniors have been very creative in theirapproach to fundraising and at CAYC we are all very proud of what theyachieved. With their sponsorship of the Spring Series this year they will haveownership of the event but they will also get a great sense of achievement bycontributing and giving back to the Club in a way which they never thought theycould.”