Enter the RYA eSailing Winter Club Championship

Help your club sailors stay connected and keep sailing
10 Dec 20

The RYA eSailing Winter Club Championship has been launched.Following the success of the Spring Championships, the RYA is inviting clubsacross the country to put forward their best eSailors to compete for the titleof not only RYA eSailing Regional Winter Champion but also RYA eSailing WinterClub National Champion.

A total of 2,932 sailors, from 178 different clubs fromacross the RYA regions and the home countries took part in the spring event,competing in club and regional championships, before the 10 regional champions,one of whom was south-west sailor Fred Mainwaring from Exe Sailing Club, battledit out in the final.   

RYA Shows and Promotions Manager Celia Edgington said: “esailingon the Virtual Regatta platform has seen a huge rise in popularity providingalmost 45,000 sailing fans of all ages a fantastic opportunity to stayconnected and keep racing in a variety of regattas from home.

“The standard of esailing is improving all the time as esailorspractise their tactics, learn the rules and transfer their on-the-water skillsto the virtual race course. With so many competitive club players, we arereally excited to see this event evolve in the coming months and hope to seeeven more clubs taking part”.

The Championship will consist of Club, Regional and NationalChampionship events.

Clubs will run their own Club Championships, with a maximumof 20 competitors per race which will need to be completed by 01 February 2020.If clubs receive more than 20 entries, the RYA will be providing guidance onhow they can allow all competitors to participate using qualifying rounds andfinals.

The Club Champion will then progress through to the RegionalFinals in February with the chance to qualify for the National RYA eSailingWinter Club Championship Final which will be streamed live during the virtualRYA Dinghy Show (27 – 28 Feb 2021).

Registration is free and needs to be completed by 04January.

Watch Susie Moore discuss the Winter Championships withesailing guru Adam McGovern.

Full details about the RYA eSailing Winter ClubChampionships and top tips on how to get into eSailing