Get ready for the RYA Affiliated Clubs Conference

16 Nov 20

It’s the online RYA Affiliated Clubs Conference supported by Gallagher THIS SATURDAY 21 November and after this incredibly challenging year, the aim is to give clubs all the support and information they need so you can look to the future with confidence.

Here’s THREE REASONS why we think you should come along!

  1. You’ll leave with all the information you need to make the right decisions for your club
  2. Your club will have a greater understanding of the opportunities ahead
  3. There will be plenty of chances to share ideas and learn from others

Booking your free ticket will give you access not only to the main conference and its associated workshops but also to all of the recordings after the event, so even if you can't make the times scheduled you will be able to catch up when it’s CONVENIENT with the CONTENT OF YOUR CHOICE.

You won’t want to miss this year’s conference!

We’re using a professional online event company so logging on and taking part will be easy. Please do encourage ALL your committee members, staff and volunteers to book their FREE place as there will be lots to explore between you.

Headline speakers include Sport England board member Chris Grant and Sir Ben Ainslie, while another Olympian, Shirley Robertson, will be hosting the conference, including a live interview with RYA Chief Executive Sarah Treseder and chairman Chris Preston.

An online expo area will have interactive ‘stands’ offering access to RYA legal, racing and training teams, with bookable 1-1 appointments, live text Q&As, club case studies, regional and Home Country updates, downloadable resources and video.

A Club Development Webinar Series of workshops then begins Monday 23rd November, giving clubs a chance to find out more about how to tackle some of the challenges you’ve told us you are facing.

  • How can your club use the RYA’s development model to help ensure a positive future for your club and members? Each session will be live on Monday at 2pm, repeated in the evening at 7pm and on-demand the following day.

Learn more about the RYA Club Development Model and the development cycle which will help your club to create dynamic and manageable plans. We will look at everything from situational analysis to RYA resources, enabling you to prioritise and make the most of opportunities to ensure a healthy future for your club.

  • How can your club successfully recruit and manage your team of volunteers? Live on Tuesday at 2pm, repeated in the evening at 7pm and on-demand the following day.

Discover the tools to embrace the challenge of modern day volunteering. We will explore how volunteers and volunteering has changed and learn from clubs that have introduced new ways of working that has helped with recruiting and retaining volunteers.

  • Why is improving satisfaction, engagement and communication important to retain your club members? Live on Wednesday at 2pm, repeated 7pm and on-demand the following day

Understand and improve club member satisfaction, engagement and communication and how this is linked to improving the retention of members. We will hear from clubs that have been successful in these areas to understand what changes they made and what the impact has been.

  • Why a diverse membership matters and how to use a person-centred approach to deliver a great experience to a wider audience? Live on Thursday at 2pm, repeated 7pm and on-demand the following day.

The sessions will explore 3 key elements: 1) Assess and Understand - how to understand who you are attracting and who you are missing. 2) Connect - there is no one way of reaching people but the sessions will explore how to create touchpoints so that you can 3) Develop & Engage and use people's lived experience to design your offer and opportunities. Throughout the process you will need to learn and adapt what you do so you can deliver a great experience to new audiences every time

  • How can your club promote itself to potential new members? Live on Friday at 2pm, repeated 7pm and on-demand the following day.

Reaching new members is going to be more important than ever before as clubs look to replace members who have left in the last year. These sessions will help to develop a 360 marketing plan that identifies and targets potential members and uses the right channels to reach and engage this audience.

  • How can your club best use the RYA’s support to minimise impact on the environment? Live on Tuesday at 3:30pm, repeated 8:30pm and on-demand the following day.

Explore the opportunities and support available for clubs to reduce the impact on the environment and learn from others that have already been on this journey.

  • How can your engagement with the local community enable you to explore your full potential, creating impact through the power of sport? Live on Wednesday at 3:30pm, repeated 8:30pm and on-demand the following day.

Evidence shows that being active is good for you, being active outdoors is even better and on or near the water is best of all. Explore the understanding of the power of sport and activity, and this will have an impact on the local community. It will look further than ‘what activity is delivered’ to discuss ‘why’ and look at how engagement with others can develop local communities, staff and volunteers.

Delegates can attend all or different parts of the conference and remember, signing up for your FREE TICKET will give you access to all of the content on-demand afterwards! Book at:

We look forward to seeing you ‘virtually’ at the 2020 RYA Affiliated Clubs Conference!