London and South East Youth Forum at the RYA Dinghy Show

08 Mar 20

The forum comprised a series of short presentations by or about youth sailors in our region.

The presentation topics were:

  • Welcome - Helen Hofmann, Regional Chair, RYA London and South East
  • Sailing a Topper in the Regional Zone Squad - Gloria Smith
  • Tera Sailing – what it’s like to compete and train on a national level - Josie Kelly
  • Sailing at University – the social and sailing sides - Dan Fox
  • How I got into Sailing - Hannah Burt
  • Youth Sailing and Lasers - Ricardo Chacon

Josie Kelly is a recent recipient of an RYA Youth Training Fund performance bursary for her progress in racing and is a member of Felpham SC. Dan Fox is at Brunel University and is the RYA representative for University Sailing in the region. Hannah Burt and Richard Chacon sail at the Welsh Harp Reservoir and are the new RYA representatives for the West London (non-Thames clubs).

Gloria Smith is one of the youngest members of the RYA regional zone Topper squad, and her parents Steve and Polly are the RYA representatives for the Surrey with Berkshire (non Thames) dinghy sailing clubs.

Helen Hofmann said: “All those who spoke at it received a Regional Youth Forum participation certificate, and it was pleasing to see the room full of attendees. It's hoped this will become an annual regional youth forum at the dinghy show!”


Photo left to right Helen Hofmann, Richard Cochon, Hannah Burt, Josie Kelley, Gloria Smith and Dan Fox.