An instructor training programme has been launched by RYA North East to help aspiring instructors and OnBoard instructors develop their skills over winter.
Booking is now open for two courses, with each offering a series of online sessions over the coming months followed by an on-the-water session in Spring.
Led by regional coaches, the free courses are available for instructors and would-be instructors aged 16 upwards and are designed to boost know-how and confidence.
RYA North East Regional Development Officer, Sam Usher, said: “I’m really pleased to announce this new development programme for instructors. After the challenging times of 2020, when fewer activities were able to take place due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the aim is to give instructors and clubs a head start for the new season in 2021.
“The courses are free for participants and I’m hoping they will provide welcome additional support for OnBoard and training centres and individuals who want to develop their skills. Demand is expected to be high so please do book your place.”
The Aspiring Instructor Development Programme starts on Tuesday 1 December, with six free online evening sessions, 19:00-20:00, which will prepare those who think they might like to become an RYA Dinghy Instructor for taking a course in 2021.
The sessions will be followed by an on-water skills day in April and will take participants through what it means to be an instructor, providing practical information and support to develop the necessary skills for a successful outcome if they decide they would like to go on to become an RYA Dinghy Instructor.
The OnBoard Instructor Development Course starts on Tuesday 8 December, offering four free monthly sessions in the evenings, 19:00-20:00, for Instructors and Senior Instructors involved in delivering OnBoard sessions across the region.
Many OnBoard instructors are looking forward to getting back out on the water with renewed enthusiasm to inspire the next generation, so the course is designed to provide support and ideas to enable them to do this.
The online sessions, followed by an on-the-water day at the end of March, will include looking at all the latest OnBoard resources which are available and at how instructors can get the most out of sessions to help children and young people progress, with lots of tips for running fun and engaging activities.
For further information about all courses in the region and booking visit RYA North East Regional Instructor Courses.