Chris writes:
The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) 2021 – 2024 will come into effect on 1st January 2021. However, some of the changes in the rule book may require organisers to make changes to the Notices of Race and/or Sailing Instructions which will need to be published before next January.
There are also some changes in race management rules that club ROs or OODs will need to know about before officiating in 2021.
There are a few changes that competitors need to understand before they compete in 2021 – and some changes for protests and redress requests as well as changes in both racing administration and protest procedures.
I have prepared a ‘New Rules 2021-24’ talk for club audiences. I can give the talk and the PowerPoint presentation on Zoom or similar conference software or visit a club and give the talk to a small (and Covid-spaced) audience to be videoed for streaming to club members. I will be happy to discuss what your club would like to do: I am expecting quite a big demand and will, if necessary, give priority to clubs that race throughout the winter.
The basic rules presentation using the ‘Handy Guide to the Racing Rules 2021-2024’ is now available and is particularly suitable for newcomers to sailboat racing and can be delivered in the same ways as above.
You can order your new Racing Rules of Sailing and the Handy Guide here
Contact Chris Simon