The RYA is delighted to welcome Ocean Bottle to the member reward partner programme, which provides exclusive offers, discounts and savings to its 112,000 members.
Ocean Bottle produce reusable bottles that help stop 1,000’s of plastic bottles entering our oceans, as well as helping to reduce poverty at the same time.
Launching in 2019, Ocean Bottle has been working to build a new currency for plastic waste, focusing on investing in waste management infrastructure and helping to reduce poverty at the same time, all with the help of beautiful reusable bottles.
Designed to last a lifetime by the award-winning Norwegian K8 design company, Ocean Bottles include:
RYA members can save 15% on purchases, plus free postage and packaging when buying two or more bottles.
“Twenty two million kgs of plastic flows into our oceans each day and it is now estimated that the amount of plastic in our seas could double by 2030. More than 75% of ocean plastic is due to a lack of waste management infrastructure. At Ocean Bottle we are working to save our oceans and we hope the RYA member community will help us in our journey”, commented Nick Daman, Co-founder of Ocean Bottles.
With the sale of every Ocean Bottle, 1000 ocean-bound plastic bottles (11.4kg of plastic) are collected in impoverished coastal communities where plastic pollution is worse before the plastic enters our oceans.
With the help of partners Plastic Bank, Plastic collectors can exchange plastic waste for money or credit via blockchain technology to spend on tuition, tech goods, health care and micro-finance.
“By the end of February 2020 we will have funded the collection of plastic waste equivalent to 40 million plastic bottles” Nick added.
To claim your RYA member discount code and take advantage of this great new offer visit