Tom explained how to use the RYA Funding Finder and its search criteria. This gives access to a wide range of funding opportunities.
Next Tom talked about the Sport England Movement Fund of which Sport England says: "Our focus is to support projects that match our goal of getting more people active, reducing the number of inactive people and tackling inequalities. If your project aligns with our priorities, we can fund a wide range of costs and items up to £15,000."
We were then introduced to Buddle which provides resources and support from Sport England. It shares the latest information, training and tools to help clubs and organisations overcome challenges and make the most of the opportunities available to them.
You can find out more about Buddle here
Finally there was a lively question and answer session.
Tom said of the webinar: "It was a brilliant turnout - the highest I've had at any webinar I've done. From my perspective the format worked well. A short sharp session was a good way to introduce people to the support on offer - those who want help will be in touch as a result (I had my first email through five minutes after it had finished!), and those who want to go it alone now have a couple more tools to help with this."
Please do get in touch with Tom or Howard for further support.