Guests atthe meeting included CEO of RYA Sarah Treseder OBE, Chair of RYA Chris Preston andClodagh Cooke from the Northern Ireland Youth Forum.
During themeeting, both Sarah and Chris spoke to members, with Sarah also discussing theimportance of clubs as a community. She talked about the positivity of clubsacross Northern Ireland and how they have been helping their members and widercommunities throughout Covid-19.
ChiefOperating Officer of RYA Northern Ireland led the general business of themeeting, firstly addressing the key challenges clubs are facing due to Covid-19and then reviewing the work that has taken place throughout the year untilApril 2020.
Clubrepresentatives and guests were then taken through proposed updates to RYANorthern Ireland Articles to allow questions to be raised. The Articles are nowbeing sent to affiliated organisations for approval.
This wasJackie Patton’s final meeting as Chair of RYA Northern Ireland. During herclosing comments, she thanked everyone who had supported her during her three-yeartenure. Susan McKnight from Strangford Lough Yacht Club was elected as Chairand has now taken up her post.
Commentingafter her election as Chair, Susan McKnight said: “I am honoured to be takingon the position as Chair and I am looking forward to working with the Board,Richard and the whole RYA Northern Ireland team.”
James Ogg,Peter Kennedy, David Williams, Andrew Corkill, Roy Totten and Jill Heron wereelected as Directors.
RichardHoneyford commented: “While it has been a challenging year for us all, the RYANorthern Ireland AGM gave us a chance to reflect on the key challenges for ourclubs and wider boating community. It also highlighted the excellent work that volunteershave undertaken and the success many of our sailors have had throughout theyear.
“I wouldlike to thank Jackie Patton for all her work as Chair of RYA Northern Irelandand I welcome Susan McKnight as our new Chair. I am looking forward to workingwith Susan and all of our Directors and Board members in the year ahead.”
Followingthe meeting, Clodagh Cooke from the Northern Ireland Youth Forum Belfast, praisedthe establishment of the RYA Northern Ireland Youth Forum initiative and thework that had been achieved throughout the year.
She explainedthe importance of the relationship between Northern Ireland Youth Forum and RYANorthern Ireland and introduced the RYA Northern Ireland young sailors who delivereda presentation during the meeting.
JackiePatton, who leads on the RYANI Youth Forum, said: “RYA Northern Ireland hasbeen working in conjunction with the Northern Ireland Youth Forum (NIYF) to setup our RYA Northern Ireland Youth Forum. This youth leadership and development programmeis the first of its kind within the sport and the RYA.
“The NIYFhas provided valuable support, leadership and funding to make this happen. Ourown RYA Northern Ireland Youth Forum has already achieved so much and I wouldlike to particularly acknowledge Kaitlyn, Abbie, Autumn, Cody and Charlie fortheir hard work and dedication. I look forward to seeing what the next yearbrings.”