RYA YTC Seminar for Home Country Affiliated Clubs and Organisations

Does your club or organisation run racing for yachts and keelboats? Check out this fantastic opportunity to find out more about the *new* RYA YTC national rating system.
18 Apr 23

The RYA YTC national rating system was launched earlier this year, powered by the RORC Rating Office, it provides cruising yachts and cruiser-racers with a simple, entry-level rating system. The initiative aims to promote participation by encouraging skippers of any skill level to enter their boats in club events and local regattas.

So far 75 clubs have signed up to the system, and is well on track to having 800 yachts rated this year. RYA Cymru Wales, supported by RYA Scotland and RYA Northern Ireland is running a free webinar on Thursday 27 April 2023 for sailing secretaries, race officers and others involved in running club racing across the UK & NI. The session will explain how RYA YTC works, how owners can get a rating for their boat and what wording needs to be included in the Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions. There will also be an opportunity to question the experts.

Find out more and register