RYANI marks successful year at AGM

31 Oct 19

During the event,Jackie Patton was re-elected as Chair and elected directors were appointed. 

Susan McKnight wasappointed as Vice Chair, David Williams as Treasurer, James Ogg as Chair of theDevelopment Committee, Peter Kennedy as Chair of Performance Committee and AndyCorkill and Roy Totten. 

Chair Jackie Pattonpaid a special thanks to three board members who have stepped down – PJ Gault,Paul Bunting and Geraldine Duggan. 

It was anaction-packed year for the governing body, with many successes and highlightsthroughout 2018/19. 

High performancesailors had a thrilling year with Liam Glynn from Ballyholme Yacht Clubsecuring a 3rd at the U21 World Laser Championships in 2018. 

Newcastle Yacht Club’sErin McIlwaine also made huge strides when she clinched 1st place atthe Female Topper Worlds in 2018. 

Meanwhile, Ryan Seatonand Seafra Guilfoyle, who are in the midst of their Olympic campaign, finished17th in the 49er European Championships. 

RYANI had a busy andfruitful year working with clubs to develop initiatives and membershipopportunities. 

The governing body wasawarded an Inclusive Sport Award by Disability Sport NI, ran a successful SeaBangor initiative and club membership increased by 450 to 9,474 members. RYA’smembership also increased by over 6 per cent. 

Significant investmentwas made to allow clubs to develop their offering and to help boost sailing andboating right across Northern Ireland. 

Over £8,000 wasinvested into 16 Focus Clubs which allowed the clubs to run Push the Boat Out,Bright Night Sailing and Women on Water events. The investment paid off and through Push the Boat Out, clubs gained 90new members.  Three of the clubs werealso able to run a school programme, which saw 70 young people taking to thewater to try sailing and boating. 

Throughout the yearfive new windsurf instructors were qualified, five sailing clubs wererecognised as Sailability Foundation Sites and six clubs achieved Pathway Clubstatus. 

RYANI’s ChiefOperating Officer Richard Honeyford said: “It has been a very busy butextremely successful and rewarding year for RYANI. We have watched our sailorscompete at a high performance level and achieve many of their goals and we havealso been proud to support our clubs, helping them to find new ways to improvetheir offering and attract new members. 

“The success of thelast year will spur us on as we undertake another exciting year of sailing andboating in Northern Ireland.”