The RYA Scotland Connect Calls are a series of online forum sessions focussing on a range of topics we know matter to many within the boating community here in Scotland.
Led by our development team, plus a range of guests – topics will include RYA affiliation, promoting your club activity, as well as the legal structures you might be adopting at your club.
Calls take place on a monthly basis, bringing people together from right across the community, regardless of geography. With discussion a key part of each session, these calls are designed to help people come together with individuals from other organisations, giving us all the chance to share, learn, and grow together.
Read on for an overview of what you can expect from each session… and be sure to head to Bookwhen to sign up.
Have you logged into your RYA Affiliation Portal account yet? Annual RYA Affiliation is due by the end of March 2025, and we at RYA Scotland are eager to explain why you need to have a look at this awesome club asset before then.
During this Connect Forum Call, we will talk to you about the benefits to your club of having a central space to store your documents, keeping your club contacts up to date, and will check if you're on track to upload the policies RYA are recommending for all of their affiliates.
Sign up on our Bookwhen page now.
Do you know your club’s legal structure? Has this been reviewed recently for efficacy or sustainability of the organisation?
Andrew Jenkin from Club Development Consultancy will join us and provide an overview of options for club legal structures, including charities and companies, and share the pros and cons for each.
To sign up, head to our Bookwhen page now.
How do you promote your club? How do you want your club to be perceived by the wider community? What message do you want people to receive and how can you deliver it?
Join us for an hour and we will look at these questions and offer solutions for your club communications.
Sign up on our Bookwhen page now.
Are you looking at how to create more fun, varied and engaging racing at your club? Come along and join the discussion led by Iain Duncan, one of our RYA Scotland Head Coaches, and Chair of the Participation & Development Committee.
We will look at different ideas to jazz up your normal club racing to bridge the gap from social sailing, and support more people onto the start line while making sure they come off the water with a smile on their faces.
Join us to explore some ways in which we can support you to develop the instructors within your organisation. Coaching is a reflective practice which is ever evolving. Find out more about how we use the "teaching the person in front of you" person centred approach to instructor training.
Sign up on our Bookwhen page now.
Got questions about any of the sessions? Want to suggest a topic? Our ears are always open.
Get in touch with – the team will be happy to answer any queries you may have.