RYA Scotland AGM 2023 Round Up

If you missed it the 2023 AGM is available to review.
30 Oct 23

The 2023 Annual General Meeting of RYA Scotland was held virtually online on the 26th October as a review of the past 12 months in RYA Scotland from the board of directors.

As a membership organisation RYA Scotland look after the interests of individuals, clubs, training centres and affiliates of the RYA in Scotland.

Our work is diverse. Between the staff and volunteers of RYA Scotland we plan, run and deliver programmes of activity that cover narrow boating, powerboating and motorcruising, dinghy, keelboat and yacht sailing, volunteer, coach and club development, elite athlete development and racing, environmental awareness, advice to government, local authorities and coastal developers and a multitude of other activities to protect the rights and promote the interests of the boating community in Scotland.

Many thanks to all of the volunteers, RYA Members and affiliate representatives who attended and continue to support the work of RYA Scotland. 

The full recording is available on our You Tube channel or the presentation can be downloaded to find out more about what RYA Scotland have been doing to promote and protect the boating you enjoy.