Caroline Wylson, Chair of Rye Harbour Sailability (RHS) writes:
RHS is a registered charity enabling people with disabilities to experience the fun and freedom of sailing. Based at Rye Harbour, RHS gives sailors the chance of sailing on a regular basis in a dinghy with an experienced skipper and crew under the watchful eye of an RYA Senior instructor. Our charity is run entirely by volunteers and after each sail we hold a BBQ, or provide a hot meal, for our Sailability family where we can all share our experiences together.
At each sailing day, held once or twice a month during the sailing season, we cater for 30 or more people including sailors and volunteers. Our sailors include people with autism, mild mobility issues, cerebral palsy, learning difficulties, dementia and mental health issues, who all enjoy sailing at Rye Harbour.
A massive thank you to People’s Postcode Trust which has supported Rye Harbour Sailability with an outstanding award of £19,617 to enable the charity to buy its second Sailability boat, a Drascombe Lugger. The number of sailors has increased steadily since our launch in August 2017 and with only one boat our sailors had to wait sometimes for a sail. The second boat will enable us to take more sailors out on the water and reduce waiting times. For sailors, the wait has often been exasperating, and this second boat will relieve the frustration felt by both sailors and volunteers.
The whole project has been made possible by this award from People’s Postcode Trust, a grant giving charity, funded entirely by players of People’s Postcode Lottery. A huge thank you to everyone who plays the People’s Postcode Lottery from the Rye Harbour Sailability family.
Kerry one of our sailors, who was the first member to join our Sailability family, says “I like the open air and the feeling of the sea and the freedom of the sailing. I also like to help with the rigging of our boat. I have made lots of new friends too”.
Kerry having enjoyed the sail
We have placed an order for the Drascombe Lugger, which should be completed by the end of September when, if Covid-19 allows, we shall have our first sail. We are all extremely excited about our new boat and cannot wait for the day when the Drascombe Lugger arrives at Rye Harbour.
When the boat is ready to sail, we shall be able to take more sailors sailing at every session and reduce wait times in between sails.
Kerry with Gerry, one of the many friends he has made through RHS.
If you would like more information about what we do or to explore thechance to volunteer some of your time to this excellent and worthwhilecharity, please email Caroline Wylson
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