Sail Smarts Success

29 Mar 21
Sail Smarts host Jake in front of habitats video background

During the past year, thousands of OnBoarders and youngsters up and down the country have been able to keep their sailing skills in tip top condition with the RYA Sail Smarts Youtube channel.

Launched at the beginning of Lockdown 1:0 in 2020, and as part of the RYA’s wider online support for professional and novice sailors alike, “Sail Smarts with Jake from RYA OnBoard” was created to help keep young sailing enthusiasts aged 8 – 12 engaged and sailing in some way.

Topics covered include:


OnBoard Activities 

Focusing on all things sailing and windsurfing, the weekly fun videos are also accompanied by free downloadable sheets and activities, making them an ideal pastime to help enhance young sailors’ skills. The activities can beviewed here

National Curriculum Edition

Sail Smarts returned during Lockdown 3:0 in 2021 but with a twist – now linking into the National Curriculum.

Sail Smarts National Curriculum Edition covers a range of subjects from school and relates them to being out on the water. With this focus on education, Jake now presents Sail Smarts alongside a relevant expert in each topic covered, and whilst still aimed at 8 - 12 year olds, the latest range of videos and downloadable activities are also designed with parents, teachers and OnBoard venues in mind.

For example, Geography week explained the compass, what it is and how it works, alongside a fun activity to collect data and find out how where you live geographically relates to the rest of the world.

Whilst the Water Cycle session looks at the atmosphere in relation to the land and oceans, with a fun activity based on how infiltration works in this dynamic system.

The fun learning continues will topics including:



All the videos can be found on thededicated RYA Sail Smarts Youtube channel here and can easily be found on social media by searching for #ryaonboard, alongwith a variety of hastags including: #kidsactivity #lockdown #nationalcurriculum #sailing #fun #kids #learning #sailfromhome#sailsmarts #buoyage


In addition to Sail Smarts, the hugely popular #Knotonthewater videos provide plenty of help and advice when it comes to youngsters knowing their Sheep Shanks from their Clove Hitch's. These knot videos will remain on the RYA Youtube channel and continue to provide excellent knot tying advice for all members of the family.



Wet weather! These fantastic videos and activities are a useful resource forparents and teachers alike, as well as for OnBoard clubs and venues to use, even afterwe return to the water.  They can perhapsbe a perfect back-up when the weather is against us and help entertain youngstersback on land when an OnBoard session is cancelled due to bad weather.