The club writes: We are a friendly sailing club that welcomes members and visitors of all ages. We try to encourage new members, especially families. Courses and relaxed sailing sessions are run and enjoyed regularly by a range of people (children and adults).
While we encourage all new members, a downfall of our lovely club is the outdated changing rooms. They were 'modernised' a long time ago and so but for us to continue improving and be accessible to all, we need them updating to a modern standard.
Although as a club we offer some disabled access, the changing room layout is not wheelchair accessible, and nor is it practical for children to get changed/showered at the same time as adults. We also need a baby change area, either in each changing room or in a disabled toilet, at the moment this doesn't exist so it can be hard for parents to change their babies.
We want update the changing rooms to include a disabled / family toilet and changing area, and whilst we may have enough to start work, we have found that we have a serious damp issue with the floor in the changing area. To include the lifting of the floor, resolving the damp issue, and re-laying a floor we may need up to £65,000!
We have raised £30,000 ourselves through Crowdfunding, members' donations and the fantastic grant from Sport England, but an estimated £65,000 is required to complete the renovation and, keen to update the facilities as soon as possible we are hoping that people will help us and add to our existing funds.
Organisers have called all hands to the deck in one big push to the final figure, encouraging members and supporters to join this endeavour, contributing towards a facility that will not only benefit its members but will also serve as a welcoming hub for the entire community and encourage the next generation of sailors and water users to engage in the sport.
Bognor Regis SC is an RYA Recognised Training Centre
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