Strangford Lough Yacht Club volunteers providing essential items for keyworkers

10 Jun 20

The sailors, who until recently were unable to get out on thewater, have been keeping busy and doing their bit in the fight againstCOVID-19.

Junior member Adam Fernor has joined a community of 8,000volunteers, through 3D Crowd UK, who are using their 3D printers to make PPEequipment for a number of care homes, hospitals and surgeries.

Adam has been able to provide 200 masks and has been busyfundraising and has raised enough money to buy another printer, which willdouble his output.

Myrea Jenkins has also been putting her skills to good use andassisting the NHS. She joined a group of volunteers who have been making scrubsfor hospitals. Myrea’s latest batch of scrubs were provided to the UlsterHospital in Dundonald.

Susan McKnight from Strangford LoughYacht Club commented: “It is fantastic to hear such stories emerging from ourmembership. Additionally, I am aware that there is a significant proporition ofour membership that are key workers. I am humbled by the work that they arecurrently doing in order to keep us safe. Thank you.”

RYA Northern Ireland’s Chief Operating Officer Richard Honeyfordsaid: “During volunteering week we remember the hard work and dedication of ourvolunteers and how crucial they are in making our sport a success.

“We are very proud of all of our volunteers – we know that theyare the bedrock of our sport but in recent times it has become very clear thatthey are also the bedrock of our community.

“While our sailors have been at home staying safe, they havebeen putting their skills to good use and for the benefit of wider society.Examples like the volunteers at Strangford Lough Yacht Club show the value ofvolunteering and what we can achieve when we all work together. I would like tosay thank you to you all.”