Brighten up your club’s winter schedule with a talk from the RYA’s environmental programme, The Green Blue. Talks will cover sustainable anchoring and mooring to help boat users protect sensitive seabed habitats such as seagrass. The talks will be delivered to clubs and associations located near to, or whose members undertake their boating activities, in one of the five of the EU LIFE ReMEDIES Project sites: Solent Maritime, Essex Estuaries, Plymouth Sound and Estuaries, Fal and Helford, and the Isles of Scilly.
The ReMEDIES Project is a five-year partnership project, led by Natural England, in collaboration with the RYA, the Ocean Conservation Trust, the Marine Conservation Society, and Plymouth City Council. The project aims to protect and restore seagrass meadows in five key at-risk sites and help reduce any disturbance to these from recreational activities, such as mooring and anchoring.
In 2022, a huge collaborative effort saw 700 volunteers pack over 37,000 seagrass seed bags for dissemination across the sites. Since then, the partners have installed seagrass information boards, as well as 30 moorings and buoy markers using Advanced Mooring Systems (AMS). AMS is an alternative to traditional moorings and helps protect vulnerable seabed habitats from scouring.
If your club or association’s members undertake their boating activities in one of the five project sites, you can now request a talk from The Green Blue to take place between January – March ’24. You can do so, by emailing The Green Blue team. In your email, please include the location of your club, a proposed date, and an approximate size of expected attendees.
Please note, there are a limited number of talks slots available.
You can find further information on the work of the EU LIFE ReMEDIES Project, by visiting the Project website.