“It’s been great to see sails and boats out again on Cardiff Bay following the relaxation of Welsh Government guidelines a couple of weeks ago. Boaters that are lucky enough to fall within the five mile boundary have returned to the water in good numbers and have been particularly responsible in following the current restrictions. Having spent plenty of time on the water during the recent good weather, (and bad) it was great to see the positive reactions, waves and smiles from Bay users. I hope this friendly and sociable attitude continues next week when we look forward to welcoming returning boaters from outside of the five mile boundary”. Timothy Gifford, Deputy Harbour Master Cardiff Harbour Authority.
“The Cardiff Cyber Cruiser Community was created to enable Yachts that sail single handed or with family members can sail with other yachts in a group communicating on VHF giving an added level of safety. This is a new method for sailing together in Cardiff but will continue as people seem to like the format.” Sean Carter sailing Sec. Cardiff YC
“It’s been great to see so many people out on the water. We have seen an increase in dinghy sailing and now yachting as boats are launched. We are really looking forward to the return of members from outside of the area. We are also busy planning our return to sail training.” Richard Mills, Water sports Manager, Cardiff Bay YC.
It’s actually been a good social time. We have a WhatsApp group which spans both clubs called “Who wants to go sailing” and it’s in frequent use. We seem to be sailing more than usual and picking our own times to sail based on our preferred weather. Because it’s not all about racing at the moment, we’re just enjoying blasting round the bay in whatever boat we bring“ Grant Wilton, committee member, Cardiff Yacht Club.
“Online activities as part of a combined CYC/CBYC group were a wellbeing lifeline during the uncertain early weeks of the lockdown. Over 200 competitive social races on Virtual Regatta, rules workshops, zoom socials, etc. later and in many ways we’re more connected online than we were before! This has continued as we start to open up sailing. It has been really nice to see lots of members from both clubs enjoying sailing and getting their exercise in last few weeks, whilst keeping in touch and providing advice to each other online. There’s been a real sense of community between Cardiff Bay sailors.” Matt Sayer, Committee member and keen dinghy sailor, CBYC.