Tideway announces recipients of extra Active Thames funding

Eleven additional community clubs are to receive Active Thames funding, thanks to a boost from Tideway, the company building London’s 25km state-of-the-art sewer. From Fulham in West London to Leigh-on-Sea in the Thames Estuary, clubs will be able to offer more opportunities to paddle, sail, row and walk along the Thames this summer.
20 May 24
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Jenny Cooper-Low, Lead - Thames Vision and Partnerships, said: "Active Thames is an important part of our vision for the tidal Thames (Thames Vision 2050), creating a river that is accessible to all and a destination for sport and leisure.

"The boost from Tideway will bring new, diverse audiences to the river, and support sports clubs to provide taster days, courses and family-friendly events this summer. We are looking forward to seeing the positive impact that Tideway's investment it will have."

This is a key year for Tideway as its infrastructure begins protecting the river from pollution for the first time, after eight years of construction.

John Sage, Tideway's Head of Corporate Responsibility, said: "It's wonderful to be able to mark this milestone with support for the Active Thames programme, which is a fantastic way not only of reconnecting people with this iconic river as it begins its rejuvenation, but of giving people who really need support an opportunity to benefit from activities in and alongside the Thames and other London waterways."

Sailing and narrow boating club recipients are:

Tideway Sailability

- sailing and windsurfing, Greenland Dock, see header photo

£5,000 will go towards purchasing a new Hansa 303 Access Sailing boat, which is specially designed to cater for people with a broad range of disabilities. This will expand their existing fleet to eight, increasing their capacity for each session to 20 people. This purchase is part of their strategy to expand and renew their existing fleet to meet the ever-increasing needs of disabled and disadvantaged members of the community.

Find out more about RYA Sailability 

Laburnum Boat Club

- paddling, narrow boating 

£4,795 of funding will support this charity to provide six, paid week-long work experience placements in paddlesports for disadvantaged young people, narrowboat trips for adults with mental health challenges, and three clean up days on the Regent's Canal which will promote environmental awareness. Over 200 people will benefit from the funding this summer.

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Shadwell Basin Outdoor Activity Centre

- paddling, rowing, sailing and outward-bound activities 

Each summer, Shadwell Basin runs an exciting programme of watersports and outward-bound activities for young people in Tower Hamlets. £4,992 will go towards the cost of employing coaches to deliver the courses, and the purchase of new buoyancy aids. In total, Shadwell intend to work with 300 young people over the summer, many of whom will be from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Shadwell Basin is an RYA Recognised Training Centre

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Around and Around - Lively Lady

- Sailing, Thames and Medway Estuaries 

£3,970.98 will update Lively Lady, the boat that the late Sir Alec Rose used to make his famous single-handed voyage around the world in 1968. The boat is now used for the training of young people in the south of England as Sir Alec wanted. The funding will be used to provide updated electrical, navigation, and safety equipment that is essential to supporting the volunteer team to achieve their ambitions, including getting people out sailing who would never normally have the chance to do so, and maintaining this historic yacht.

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Active Thames funding so far

To date the Active Thames partnership has awarded over £430,000 to 56 different clubs, encouraging sport and physical activity on the region's blue spaces. If you'd like to be the first to know about Active Thames funding in the future, follow the Port of London Authority on its social media channels:

  • X: @LondonPortAuth
  • Insta: @ActiveThames
  • Facebook: Port of London Authority
  • Threads: @LondonPortAuth

Is your club or centre looking for funding?

Here's RYA guidance on funding options which can support your activity