Tribute to Gwyn Phillips

It is with great sadness to hear of the passing of Gwyn Phillips, Neyland Yacht Club Secretary and friend to us all.
28 Apr 20

It is with great sadness to hear of the passing ofGwyn Phillips, Neyland Yacht Club Secretary and friend to us all. He passedaway recently following a short battle against cancer.

Gwyn was a leading light at Neyland Yacht Club andin 2015 received the RYA Community Award for Outstanding Contribution,receiving his award from HRH Princess Anne (pictured). Having served on themain committee and various sub-committees over the years, Gwyn supported theclub to develop a wide range of activities, he was the stalwart of the club andhas held the position of secretary for many years.

He was a well known figureregional assisting at meetings for Pembrokeshire Yachting Federation andhistorically WYA now RYA CW. 

Hester Walker, RYA Cymru Wales WestRegional Club Development Officer said: “Gwyn was such a gentleman, he washighly regarded among the sailing clubs along the Cleddau often spotted in the“Cabin” (starting deck). He played a big role within the club but was always inthe background willing to do those less glamorous jobs to keep the club wellmaintained. He will be sorely missed but fondly remembered”.