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The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) are revised and published every four years by World Sailing, the international authority for the sport. World Sailing and several Member National Authorities (MNAs) produce Case Books which contain cases selected from appeal cases and are intended to enhance or clarify understanding of the rules. It is these cases which are then in turn used as supporting evidence in protest hearings.
This digital edition has been developed for mobile devices to include all relevant documents in one cleverly, interactive, hyperlinking rules and cases engine.
You can very quickly identify any case relevant to a particular rule, search for specific cases or even a case that may be relevant to a text search.
There are also useful features such as pop-ups for all definitions where they are referenced in the text; this helps refer back to the detail of the definition without navigating off the page.
The edition will be updated to include the following publications upon their release:
It will also be updated at regular intervals to keep up with the latest developments and changes to cases and Q&As.