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No sea voyage, whether long or short, offshore or within sight of land, should go ahead without adequate planning and this book is your perfect companion to help you prepare thoroughly before setting off.
RYA Passage Planning will take you through all you need to know and allow you to work through some examples of different passages. This will show you what you might need to think about on the range of different journeys you may undertake. The essential facts and methods are split into three sections:
Written by RNLI Sea Safety Manager Peter Chennell, this book will help you make passage planning routine. It is packed full of useful information on where to find the relevant planning sources and will prove to be a useful companion to all who take their recreation afloat.
'A very useful handbook.' – Sailing Today, December 2011.
'It is reassuring to know this book comes with the guidance of Peter Chennell it should certainly reduce the likelihood of needing the RNLI and enhance your enjoyment from cruising these great waters.' – Anglia Afloat, Nov Dec 2011.
'His advice is clear, sound and interesting, and the text is accompanied by helpful graphics and colourful pictures.' – Sailing, South Africa, January 2012.