RYA Safeguarding Policy and Procedures

The RYA is committed to safeguarding all children, young people and adults at risk taking part in its activities from abuse and harm and ensuring their wellbeing.

The RYA recognises that the safety, welfare and needs of children, young people and adults at risk are paramount and that any person, irrespective of their age, disability, race, religion or belief, marital status, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation or social status, has a right to protection from discrimination and abuse.

The RYA takes all reasonable steps to ensure that, through safe recruitment, appropriate operating procedures, and training, it offers a safe and fun environment to children, young people and adults at risk taking part in RYA events and activities. The RYA recognises that it has a legal responsibility to safeguard children, young people and adults at risk, including due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into extremism and terrorism (the Prevent Duty ).

The RYA is committed to minimising risk and supporting venues, programmes, events and individuals to deliver a safe, positive and fun boating experience for everyone by creating a welcoming environment, both on and off the water, where everyone can have fun and develop their skills and confidence. The RYA will treat everyone with respect, celebrate their achievements, listen to their views and experiences and provide opportunities for all to fulfil their potential and be their authentic selves.

Through the RYA training scheme, the RYA is responsible for recognising Training Centres to deliver the RYA Training Scheme, and through its affiliation scheme, for providing advice and guidance for affiliated clubs and class associations. The RYA uses its position to require Recognised Training Centres to adopt and implement appropriate safeguarding policies and procedures and through its affiliation scheme encourages and supports affiliated organisations to do so by providing them with information, guidance and support.

Image of the RYA Scotland Late Summer Championships at Loch Tummel September 2022

The RYA:

  • Recognises that safeguarding of vulnerable groups is the responsibility of everyone, not just those working directly with them.
  • Carries out safe recruitment practices when recruiting all RYA employees, contractors and volunteers in roles involving close contact with vulnerable groups.
  • Provides comprehensive training and personal development opportunities for all staff and volunteers, irrespective of their position, to ensure that any concerns are reported in a timely manner and to the right person.
  • Responds swiftly and appropriately to all complaints and concerns both directly within and outside of the sport about poor practice or suspected abuse, referring to external agencies as necessary
  • Provides signposting advice and guidance to anyone who needs it.
  • Offers basic safeguarding advice and guidance to anyone within the boating community irrespective of if their club or centre is affiliated or recognised and gives full access to the safeguarding pages on the website to anyone wishing to access it.
  • Regularly reviews safeguarding procedures and practices in the light of experience or to take account of legislative, social or technological changes.
  • Communicates changes and shares good practice with other NGBs, recognised training centres, affiliates and class associations.
  • Encourages all RYA affiliates and class associations to adopt both a safeguarding children and young people policy and a safeguarding adults at risk policy.
  • Ensures that all recognised training centres have an in-date Safeguarding and Protecting Children and Young People policy which is in line with the RYA’s.
  • Strives to achieve the highest level of safeguarding practices in line with the Child Protection in Sport Unit and Ann Craft Trust safeguarding standards and will undertake annual reviews of our policies and procedures to ensure full compliance with the standards.
  • Provides mental health and wellbeing support to all staff through the colleagues’ wellbeing programme .
  • Will cooperate where necessary with multi- agency investigations and enquiries relating to serious case reviews involving children, young people and adults at risk , if there is an association with the sport.


Download the full policy and guidelines now…..