Our social media channels are a place for our community to come together to engage with us and each other in a positive way.
It is important that we keep these channels as friendly as possible – for both you and our team. People should feel safe in our comments sections.
When commenting on our social media posts, please follow these guidelines:
Even if a comment is not intended to be any of these things, if someone takes offence, their feelings are valid. We will decide whether a comment falls into any of these categories and based on the context our decision on whether to hide it or not is final.
To keep the comments section safe, we sometimes hide or delete comments that break any of the rules above. We do our best to hide harmful comments as quickly as possible, but we review hundreds of comments a week, and sometimes it may take us a few hours to moderate a comment.
We may block users from our pages. Before we do this, we may give you a warning and explain why we’re considering blocking you. If your comments don’t change after this warning, we may block you.