Diversifying your offer

  • Grow your membership and recruit new volunteers
  • Increase your membership retention
  • Open up your club to more individuals within family units
  • Help your current members to remain active and get more value from their membership
  • Raise your profile within the local community
  • Make you more attractive to potential funders
  • Open up a new income stream

What activities could we offer?

RYA Affiliated clubs have diversified into a wide range of activities including -

 Stand up paddleboarding  Triathlon
 Rowing  Canoeing or kyaking
 Fishing  Yoga, pilates or fitness classes
 Open water swimming  Cycling
 Model yachting  Wallking 
Wingsurfing or wingfoiling Hiring club facilities for youth community groups or other sports groups


What do we need to consider?

How can we ensure that this new activity is delivered safely?

  • Clubs have a duty to manage club premises/activities to be as safe as necessary, rather than as safe as possible, with reasonable controls being implemented to reduce those risks that cannot reasonably be eliminated to a level that is justifiable and tolerable. This does not mean that the probability of harm must be reduced to zero – the only sure way to eliminate all risks associated with an activity is to eliminate the activity and no one is suggesting that.
  • Using a recognised provider of the new activity is an option that you could explore…
  • To help you ensure that a new activity is delivered safely we advise you to follow our guidance on safety management and to seek the advice of the appropriate national governing body for your new activity.


Take a look at our on the water safety guidance and information

Will our lease or license permit us to deliver new activities?

  • We strongly advise clubs to check their lease or license to check if you are able to offer new activities. If you are not sure what the provisions of your tenancy arrangement mean with respect to the activities you are considering offering, our advice is that you should form a reasoned opinion and then approach your Landlord setting out your view. You’ll want to ensure you receive its confirmation that the activities are permitted within your tenancy in writing.…. Mandy add a few words here please Will our insurance cover us for new activities? ·


For more information


What can we learn from other clubs that have diversified

Environmental constraints

What might prevent us offering new activities?

How will this impact.....
AALA Licensing
CASC status