Accessible racing for all your members

Find out how Priory SC increased racing particaption on their 'Lazy Sundays'

Clubs within clubs

Creating new groups within your club brings together like-minded members

Cruising in company

Take a look at how cruising in company can increase confidence and participation

Revamping an established club programme

Take a look at how one training centre reinvigorated its adults sailing programme

Increasing family membership

Increasing the number of volunteer instructors had positive unintended consequences for this club

Internet forum advertised activity

Take a look at how the internet can help support retention

Introduction to yacht racing

Take a look at how a club and training centre worked together to increase race participation

Introduction to yacht racing 2

Take a look at how one club increased the number of yacht crews which increased club racing

Life after start racing

See how one club developed their Laser fleet racing

Marina manoeuvring days

Take a look at how one day of training increased confidence and increased participation

Novice race crew training

By running one short course has enabled another crew to regularly participate in club racing

Pay and play

Take a look at how a new direction has increased participation and income for Queen Mary SC

Pre season instructor coach training days

Upskilling your volunteers is key to giving them and your members a rewarding experience

RYA courses

Run one of our courses and see what impact it can have on membership engagement

Social sailing at your marina

Take a look at how a new initiative has made all the difference