Diversifying your offer

Diversifying club activities both attracts and retains membership

Choose an activity below and read about how clubs have successfully diversified.

wide shot a group of people water boarding

Paddle boarding

with Chalmarch Sailing Club

wide shot of a crowd of participants taking part in open water swimming in a lake

Open Water swimming

with Notts County Sailing Club

mid shot of two people talking about sailing next to a lake

Work with your community

with Otley Sailing Club

wide shot of a large crowd at a private function outside a sailing club

Commercial hire

with Draycote view

dynamic shot of a wind surfer

Pay and Play

with Queen Mary Sailing Club

wide shot of two girls canoeing on a river


with Quoile Yacht Club

Activity diversification with Gallagher Insurance

Insuring new club activities and other questions answered with Gallagher Insurance


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