If people are to lead active lives through a regular habit of sailing, they need to:
We can’t look at these in isolation, they are dependent on each other.
These resources can help affiliated organisations reflect on how you can develop and maintain club cruising so that activity on the water can be safe, fun and open.
Each section has:
The checklist plan can be used alongside the safety management system action plan resource and is there for you to capture your planning, safety management system and allow the opportunity to review how the cruise went and outline opportunities for improvement.
The resources do not prescribe what you must do, but provide a framework for you to think about running the safe and fun dinghy cruises and suggest what could be considered.
Club cruise in companies will be:
Link to RYA Safety Management System
Passage planning. Weather and tides. Promoting to members. When do you need a rib.
How to assess what ability sailor you need to be. Link to "People accept risk" (Joffs document). Tips on how to support inexperienced sailors