Boating is a volunteer and club based sport so it’s imperative that we better understand the challenges and opportunities within sailing clubs in order to provide the best possible support.
To help clubs identify the challenges and opportunities, we’ve created two toolkits. You can pick which one you use and each has some questions and tasks which will help you discuss and draw out and capture the required information and ideas.
30 minute versionTwo hour versionYoucan get your clubs views back to us anyway you like - there is an online form. If you prefer, take a picture of anynotes you make whilst working your way through the toolkit and emailthem to us.If you have already carried out a similar exercise as a club or a committee, then please feel free to share your outputs as an alternative to carrying out the same exercise again. We also recommend watching the video below.
There are also toolkits for RYA Class Association, OnBoard and Sailability venues.
RYA Class Associations
30 minute versionTwo hour versionRYA OnBoard
30 minute versionTwo hour versionRYA Sailability
30 minute versionTwo hour version