Dinghies, keelboats and multihulls - equipment to consider


  • Boats suitable and sufficient for the activity you are delivering and the people likely to use them?
  • Boats able to be rigged for the activity you deliver?
  • Hulls watertight, in a good state of repair and clean?
  • Fittings and toe straps in good order?
  • Halyards of sufficient length and in good condition?
  • Sheets of sufficient length, appropriate diameter and material?
  • Shrouds and rigging in good order, with no protruding strands?
  • Shroud pins and split rings taped?
  • Painters attached to a strong point?
  • Rudders, centreboards / daggerboards / keels in good condition?
  • Sails in good condition?
  • Systems for reefing afloat in good working order
  • Alternative means for propulsion and anchoring in place? (if required by the operating area)
  • Righting lines (multihulls) in place and effective
  • Mast head floats considered
  • Cleats, self bailers and other deck / hull fittings working effectively?
  • Devices for securing a keel or weighted centreboard fitted and in use?
  • The owner’s manual and rigging guide (or equivalent) available to everyone who uses the boat?
  • Boats able to be stored safely, securely and accessibly?
  • Launching trolleys well maintained, inspected regularly for defects, in good working order and do people know how to use them?

Keelboats - procedures could either allow for operation: