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09:45 - 10:30 - Presenters | Chris Lindsay
A presentation and discussion for Qualified Judges and Umpires
Rule 69 addresses misconduct by both sailors and support persons, and the RYA's advice is to initiate a rule 69 process 'sooner rather than later' so that misconduct is addressed before it develops into a more serious issue. A rule 69 investigation and hearing follow a different process from all other hearings, and when correctly followed lead to simpler and less emotional hearings.
This session explains the 4-stage procedure, associated RYA Guidance, penalty ranges, guidelines for deciding a penalty, and how they might be best applied in some typical cases.
10:30 - 11:15 - Presenters | Alan Baser
11:45 - 12:30 - Presenters | Zed Spencer-Milnes
Aimed at all Race Officers, Mark Layers and RMT members
Sailing/RYA takes the view that event formats need to develop and evolve -
what can we do as Race Management to support, format, variety etc.
13:30 - 14:30 - Presenters | Niall McLeod
Sailing is by its nature an unpredictable sport and therefore inherently involves an element of risk. Those words will be familiar to many as the opening sentence of the RYA’s recommended risk statement for Notices of Race, but what does it actually mean? This session will also discuss the expectations on all of us who are organising, delivering, or officiating at events, ensuring everyone has a safe and enjoyable experience on the water.
14:45 - 15:30 - Presenters | Mark Wood, Tim Hancock
Aimed at all Race Officers
Like a swan, a PRO provides a calm appearance while managing numerous different things. Hear from some experienced race officers about their daily routine as a PRO along with their top tips for success.
11:45 - 12:30 - Presenters | Niall McLeod
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A: conference content will be available on the links above if you wish to rewatch any of the content.
A: There is no dedicated area to chat, but you’re welcome to use the chat facility during the sessions. Please be aware that anyone viewing the video will be able to view the chat stream.
A: If you have any questions about the event then please contact: raceofficials@rya.org.uk