RYA North West Senior Traveller Trophy

A mid-week race series in the North West Region for anyone over 50

Briefing 10.30am, start time of first race 11.00 am Each event 3 races, 2 to count on the day

2024 Event Schedule


1. 23rd April. Leigh and Lowton SC

2. 14th May Burwain SC

3. 4th June. Bolton SC

4. 25th June Hollingworth SC

5. 16th July. Southport SC

6. 3rd September. Delph SC

7. 24th September Elton SC

21 races, 12 to count for the series.

Entry fee £10 per event, payable on the day. Handicap racing, any class may compete.

No catering, competitors to bring packed lunches, drinks available.

Prizes for achievement and under achievement

All sailors must be 50 or over. (Crews in a double hander may be allowed below age) 

Overall series trophies for 1st Overall, 1st Double hander, 1st over 70 and top club.

Series coordinator – Dave Woodhead  quicksail@btinternet.com