November 2021

Here’s the latest news from across Wales from our Development Team.

New Horizons

RYA Cymru Wales have been working in partnership with The Outdoor Partnership over the past few months, supporting them to develop their New Horizons project.

New Horizons (Gorwelion Newydd) is a project aimed at encouraging young women between the ages of 18 and 24 to get involved in sailing. Earlier this year, The Outdoor Partnership recruited 12 young woman on to the project and have since sent them on a First Aid Course, VHF Radio Course, and a Start Yachting course. The group have also been up to Greenock in Scotland and enjoyed a day cruise with Ocean Youth Trust Scotland and will be embarking on a two-week voyage in March next year.

The ultimate aim of the project is to ensure that young women get a fantastic experience of sailing and continue to develop in the sport with a long-term objective of becoming skippers!

Over the winter months, we will be supporting the group further with more training such as Powerboat Level 2 and Sea Survival, so that the group are as well equipped as possible to undertake their very exciting adventure next year – good luck everyone!

Continuous Professional Development over the Winter months!

There are a few CPD events organised over the coming months, and here’s a pretty comprehensive list for you!

RYA Cymru Wales powerboating CPD: South Wales.
Teaching Safety Boat (Cardiff)

Practical guidance on quality teaching and delivery of the RYA Safety boat course.

Who: Power boat instructors with safety boat.

Where: CBWAC – Cardiff Sailing Centre

Trainer: Simon Mace (RYA Powerboat and National sailing scheme trainer)

When 11/12/2021            0930-1630

Cost £25/person


Safety Boat skills (Cardiff)
Practical powerboating skills for RYA Dinghy sailing instructors.

Who: Dinghy instructors and dinghy senior instructors.

Where: CBWAC – Cardiff Sailing Centre

Trainer: Simon Mace (RYA Powerboat and National sailing scheme trainer)

When: 12/12/2021           0930-1630

Cost £25/person


Teaching Powerboat level 2 (Cardiff)
Practical techniques for teaching the RYA Powerboat 2 syllabus

Who: RYA Powerboat instructors.

Where: CBWAC – Cardiff Sailing Centre

Trainer: Ceri Davies (RYA Advanced Powerboat Trainer)

When: 04/12/2021          0930-1630

Cost £25/person


Teaching Powerboat level 2 (Swansea)
Practical techniques for teaching the RYA Powerboat 2 syllabus

Who: RYA Powerboat instructors.

Where: Swansea Watersports

Trainer: Ceri Davies (RYA Advanced Powerboat Trainer)

When: 05/12/2021           0930-1630

Cost £25/person


Introduction to advanced skills and Night navigation (Cardiff)
A practical evening for RYA Powerboat Level 2 qualified boaters wishing to expand their knowledge and experience the Bristol Channel at night.

Who: PB2 qualified boaters with some experience

Where: CBWAC – Cardiff Sailing Centre

Trainer: Anthony Chappin (RYA Advanced Powerboat Instructor)

Cost £25/person

When / booking:

07/12/2021         1830-2130 

18/01/2022         1830-2130   

Further information on our comprehensive Autumn/Winter programme for CPD of instructors and race coaches can be found here:

We’d also ask very kindly that all RYA Training Centre should be keeping a record of CPD delivered/ attended by their volunteers/staff, and that if you’re planning to train instructors next year, it’s best to start planning now and get in touch with the development team for support with this.

Diary Marker

The 2021 RYA Instructor Training Day on the 19th March at Cardiff Bay YC

RYA Dinghy and Watersports Show – 26th & 27th February 2022.

The RYA Dinghy and Watersports Show IS BACK, packed full of hands-on dinghy and watersports displays and demos, all the latest kit and gear, interactive workshops, and coaching sessions plus plenty of opportunities to catch up with old friends and fun for the whole family.

For much more information and to book your tickets, please click here:


The RYA eSailing Winter Championships is also back this year!

Following the success of the RYA eSailing Spring Club Championship last year, where tens of clubs across the UK put forward their best eSailors to compete for the regional and national crowns, we have decided to continue again this year!

This is a fantastic way to keep your members engaged over the Winter months, and it’s a lot of fun too!!

Affiliated Clubs Conference (ACC) – Local Events

This year’s virtual Affiliated Clubs Conference was a fantastic event, once we’d sorted out the initial technical issues, and now moving forward, we will be hosting a series of online events in the evening, starting next Monday November 22nd!

Events such as: 

Monday 22nd November 7pm: The Welsh conference is a series of online evening events spread over a 2-week period.  It will be an opportunity to further explore with other clubs, RYA staff and volunteers some of the topics raised by the launch event. As well as hearing the headlines from the region and the latest local opportunities for your club, there will be a practical session to support you with your club development planning.

  • Welcome. Aims and Regional update.
  • Developing your club - The first session will provide an interactive workshop encouraging your club to reflect on its current situation and to think about how to develop a plan to capitalise on that position, and we'll introduce resources designed to support you in achieving your future goals.

There is also a follow up programme of club development sessions led by experts that will explore the following areas -

23rd November 2021 7pm

  • Developing and modernising your facility: How can you plan to develop or replace your facility? This session will help you with planning and project management resulting in a more successful outcome

25th November 2021 7pm

  • Recruiting and motivating volunteers: How can you plan to recruit and retain your volunteers? You will leave with an understanding in the latest trends in volunteering, hear from clubs that are excelling in this area, find out what support is available and share ideas with other clubs.

30th November 2021 7pm

  • Overcoming governance and legal challenges: How you can plan to overcome any governance and legal challenges that your club is facing? Led by RYA Legal Manager Mandy Peters, this popular workshop is an opportunity to listen to an update on the latest legal and governance challenges clubs are facing and to share ideas about solutions for these.

2nd December 2021 7pm

  • Attracting and retaining members:  How can you plan to attract and retain members? We know clubs have had a big influx of new members over the last 12 months: how do we retain these members over winter and into renewals, so we see the spike in membership numbers sustained.

Some more details can be found here:

or if you have still to book a place 

Membership Renewal Time!!

It’s that time of year again when lots of clubs are renewing memberships! We have seen a growth in Welsh membership this year!  With that in mind, we really need to be thinking about when those renewal notices go out that the tone and language is appropriate to encourage renewals - it's easy to keep members than to find new ones!

It might be a good idea to remind members of all the amazing activities that have gone on throughout the year, reminding them of the benefits of membership, and basically make it really easy for them to say yes and renew!

Members are the life blood of every club, and we need them!


That’s it from us this month – see you in December!


The RYA Cymru Wales Development Team.