Race Management

With over 1,000 youngsters taking part in the Youth Programme, not to mention the vast amount of activity organised by clubs and class associations, there is an increasing demand for race officials, amongst others.

Race Management Courses are run throughout the year and will be advertised in the Training Section of the Web Site.

There are a number of one day or shorter Courses that are run to train Race Officials. These are as follows:

Club Race Officer Course 

A great opportunity to have a race officer course that is designed around you club facilities and procedures.  It is aimed to give your volunteers the confidence to run the club racing and to have a good knowledge of the procedures and duties of a race officer. We can provide an experienced official to visit you and deliver this very interactive course. The really good news is that this is almost free as you only have to meet their travelling expenses.

GPS Course

Particularly linked to the Mark Laying Courses and Seminars this two hour session is designed to enable course members to get the best out of their GPS units.

Club Mark Layer Course

Provided for clubs and classes to teach some skills and techniques in mark layiung for club racing and the smaller open meeting. A short practical course with nearly all the time on the water.

Rules Adviser Course

A Course run by Regional Rules Advisers to train Club Rules Advisers onthe use of Advisory and RYA Arbitration hearings, more immediate and accessible rules disputes resolution processes than protest hearings. An attendance certificate may be issued at the end of the Course that can also be endorsed by the attendee's Club.

Basic Rules Course

A course to help build a better understanding of the Racing Rules of Sailing with examples of different rules situations.  The course lasts up to two hours and is easily divided into two sessions with the opportunity for a beer or "sausage and mash" in between. A very popular winter evening session for clubs. It is based on the RYA's publication Handy Guide to the Rules.

Going by the Rules Course

A more advanced one day session on the Racing Rules of Sailing. It is a very comprehensive course and goes into fine detail with explanations of and situations demonstrating how the rules work. This Course is also available on a DVD called Going by the Rules through the RYA website shop.

Rule 42 Course

A Course to train Judges in how to monitor Rule 42/Appendix P on the water.


Regional Race Management Coordinator - Robin Gray:robin@robingray.co.uk Regional Rules Advisor - Denis Todd:denistodd15@gmail.com