The RYANI held its 17th Annual General Meeting in October 2020. This was the first time the event was held virtually, due to the Covid 19 Pandemic.
Richard Honeyford, Chief Operating Officer of RYA Northern Ireland, led the general business of the meeting, firstly addressing the key challenges clubs are facing due to Covid-19 and then reviewing the work that has taken place throughout the year until April 2020. Club representatives and guests were then taken through proposed updates to RYA Northern Ireland Articles to allow questions to be raised.
This was Jackie Patton’s final meeting as Chair of RYA Northern Ireland. During her closing comments, she thanked everyone who had supported her during her three-year tenure. Susan McKnight from Strangford Lough Yacht Club was elected as Chair and has now taken up her post.
James Ogg, Peter Kennedy, David Williams, Andrew Corkill, Roy Totten and Jill Heron were elected as Directors.
Following the meeting, Clodagh Cooke from the Northern Ireland Youth Forum Belfast, praised the establishment of the RYA Northern Ireland Youth Forum initiative and the work that had been achieved throughout the year. She explained the importance of the relationship between Northern Ireland Youth Forum and RYA Northern Ireland and introduced the RYA Northern Ireland young sailors who delivered a presentation during the meeting.