Volunteer Development Framework


The aim of the Volunteer Development Framework is to help your club or organisation review and strengthen its practices with regards to volunteering and in doing so create a sustainable volunteer culture for the future. 

All volunteer led organisations have an ethos or set of principles which outline how the organisation values and recognises volunteers. Any ethos should live at the heart of your culture, in how you advertise yourself and how you live and breathe as an organisation.

Diagrams of Volunteer Development  Framework

Does your organisation have a volunteer ethos? How do you connect with your volunteers?

01 Jun 2022

The Volunteer Development Framework is designed as an aid to discussions and the full document can be downloaded here.


 Diagrams of Volunteer Development  Framework


Think about all of the volunteers within your organisation. Stop, reflect and think about your current situation. What is needed for a successful future?

Becoming a volunteer-led organisation is about also making sure time is set aside to look after the volunteers doing those tasks. Essentially, making the volunteering itself as important to the club as the activity we all enjoy. When we do this we create a sustainable volunteering culture.


Do you need to recruit more volunteers? Does your organisation struggle to engage your members in volunteering for activity, events etc?

Take a closer look at who and how you’re recruiting. What sort of methods are you using and are you going far enough to and the people you need?


Volunteers come and go, we understand the natural ebb and flow of people, but how can your organisation retain your volunteers?

How do you continually adapt your tasks & roles to fit the volunteers’ needs, time, and motivations over their journey with your organisation?


How do you say thank you, or celebrate your volunteers and the impact they have? How important is this within your club/organisation?
Are you doing enough?


 Diagrams of Volunteer Development  Framework

The Volunteer Development Framework aims to help you create a volunteer ethos and gather the confidence you need to move forwards.

Please get in touch with Laura, Georgia or Liza in the Participation & Development Team to talk through any of the sections or to get examples of how other organisations have taken this forward. Details in the Contact Us below. 


Contact us
RYA Scotland Chief Executive Officer
RYA Scotland Regional Development Manager
RYA Scotland Regional Development Officer (North)
RYA Scotland Regional Development Officer (East)
RYA Scotland Regional Development Officer (West)
RYA Scotland Pathway Sailing Officer
RYA Scotland Coach Education and Development Manager
RYA Scotland Training Development Officer
RYA Scotland Communications and Engagement Officer
RYA Scotland Planning and Environment Officer