So, it’s been a quite a week here at RYA Scotland and we’ve been delighted to be involved in interviews for the RDO posts for the North and West. Hopefully good news to follow soon! We have also launched the Affiliated Club and Recognised Organisations Conference for 6th March (see details below) and we have been working with our colleagues across the team on ensuring we are taking a more regional approach to planning and delivery.
What’s are the key things you need to know – here’s a wee round-up of some things that are happening in the next month or so:
Affiliated Clubs and Recognised Organisations Online Conference – Sun 6th March 2022
The Participation and Development Team are hosting a series of online sessions for affiliated and recognised organisations beginning with the Affiliated Club and Recognised Organisations Conference on 6th March 2022 (9.30am – 1.00pm).
This event will be the first of 3 sessions that will explore topics relating to our new Strategy on People, Places and Communities (2022-25). This session focuses on ‘places’ and we are delighted to have Mandy Peters, Legal Manager at the RYA with us to talk about governance and legal challenges facing our clubs as well as introduce a new piece of legislation around ‘Interest of land’ which may affect all organisations who are not charities or companies limited by guarantee. We will also hear the latest from the sportscotland facilities fund around their funding guidance as well as have a small opportunity for you to ask questions of the presenters and the team.
These online events are ideal for those who are involved in the management of your organisation or its activities – committee members, volunteers, staff etc. – and are completely free to delegates from RYA affiliated or recognised organisations.
Please note that the next 2 sessions are due to take place on Wednesday 30th March (focus on People) and Wednesday 27th April (focus on Communities). More information to follow!
To book your place on 6th March and for the full agenda, please see our bookwhen site here.
Instructor CPD
In March, the RYA Scotland Coaching Department has an exciting series of in person, practical regional CPD days coming up for Dinghy, Windsurf and Powerboat Instructors.
These practical sessions will be a great chance to think about refreshing your own skills. With an overarching theme of “Re-connect, Refresh and Get Ready” there will be a mix of personal skill development, creative thinking and kit preparation.
Workshops are aimed at dinghy, windsurfing and powerboat instructors and will vary slightly dependant on the region but will be following the above themes. Please feel free to contact Robyn Phillips if you would like further information on your region.
The dates are:
19th March – Port Edgar (Dinghy / Windsurf and Power)
20th March – Castle Semple (Dinghy / Windsurf)
26th March – Galloway Activity Centre (Dinghy/ Windsurf)
27th March – Loch Insh (Dinghy /Windsurf)
To sign up, visit the RYA Scotland CPD bookwhen site here
Throughout the year there will be further opportunities such as more Powerboat CPD and local support through things like Advanced Instructor, CAT endorsements and RCL2 support. The Coaching team are keen to tailor these to the needs of your area / discipline so please contact them with suggestions of what may be of use to you. Please keep your eyes open for these upcoming opportunities.
Register of Controlled Interest – 22nd Feb 2022
From April 2021, there will be a legal requirement for certain organisations to register their interests in land (either as owner or tenant). We are working with Registers of Scotland and our RYA Legal team on providing guidance around this as we think that all our ‘unincorporated organisations’ will be required to register their interests if they own or have a 20+ year lease. There is some more information and a video outlining the requirements here.
Mandy Peters will be discussing this at our conference on the 6th March and we hope to have a session specifically for boating organisations in early May.
However, the Register of Scotland is holding several workshops in February and March with the one on 22nd February aimed specifically at unincorporated bodies. Please follow this link to register and find out more.
RYA Club Development Sessions
There is a programme of sessions led by our colleagues in England over January – March to discuss elements of Club Development e.g. recruiting and retaining members, volunteer development and and introduction to corooration tax. These were in follow-up to the Affiliated Club Conference held in other parts of the UK in November & December. Recordings of the 1hr sessions that have already taken place are now available for your viewing here as well on details of how to register for any remaining sessions. Please contact us if you have any questions about the sessions or the content.
All the best to Aberdeen & Stonehaven YC
Good luck to Aberdeen & Stonehaven YC in the RYA and Yachts & Yachting Club of the Year competition, supported by Gallagher. The winners are announced at this year’s Dinghy & Watersports Show on 26/27th February 2022 and we all have our fingers crossed for you!
Finally, if you have any questions, then please do not hesitate to get in contact with the team. We hope you to catch up with you all soon!
Take care and stay safe!
The Development Team, aka Robin & Ryan (for just now), Georgia & Liza